Saturday, June 27, 2009

“Balloon Lady’s Six”

Funny how people, in general, have a way of believing they are equal among other people. That what they perceive, interpret, etc. is how others will interpret also.

This weeks Stockton City Council antics could have passed for a “Twilight Zone” skit, or maybe even an episode of the “Three Stooges”, or a big screen film “Balloon Lady’s Six”. Just imagine the plot, the planning, and the skill needed to carry out a theft of millions of dollars from the tax paying citizens of Stockton.

However getting back to “all seriousness” do these rookies and tenured incompetents actually believe we the voters will forget or have forgotten? All have pounded their empty chests during campaigns with statements such as “ I believe in more police”, “Stockton has a crime problem”, “We need to stop building, and secure our infrastructure”.

Then as soon as they sit in the chair of their own grandiose, they pound what ever political drum they think will get them support at that time.

Such has the latest and greatest, due to the recession, “public employee’s benefits are to costly”, all the while riding the same train in their personal careers in the state education system.

Or how about expecting City employees to take huge and unreasonable cuts in pay, to the tune of an average $1200.00 a month. That’s right, how could you afford an overnight bill of $1200.00 per month. Completely pompous to suggest such when you relax in the opulence of the “Stockton Country Club” all the while soaking the city for an, unnecessary double income, but what the heck life is often “a dangerous game of chicken” played out on a “two-way street”.

I could write a terabyte of such things as not even reading your council brief until during the meetings, continually flip flopping, such has voting for and ridiculing those who did not vote for, a budget, and then voting against it a week later, and then trumping up your wisdom on such a vote. Or expecting to actually balance a budget in a month, but then refusing to cut city non-essentials, all the while your trees die, your roads crumble, and the quality of life spirals. And the topper?, lay off, huh…..“maybe not, well yes lay off, no no no no hold on a second….yah go ahead, then the city manager , no I don’t think so“…….who’s leading this goat f#*k anyway?

But, one thing is for certain, given enough time people will forget most things. However any given politicians vote to lay off police officers will never be forgotten. That vote will never stay buried, but will always be resurrected, and at the most in opportune times. Like when they run for any other office any where in the world. The Mercury will arrive, and all will know the disservice done to the citizens. Like a cancer in remission, an Achilles heel, after the race is in progress and precious funds and time are invested the truth will be exposed, the disease will unfold, and their opponent will be the Nike.

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