Wednesday, April 22, 2009

“No Business Like Government Business”

Once Again government proves by example it has no business in business. The free rent is not that big of a deal. The biggest mistake made by the past City Council was to pay for the upgrades, consulting, and retro fitting of the building. Yes my fellow Stocktonians it is not just the 2.7 million for the free rent, it is another 400K for the consulting fees, and a 3 million dollar retro fit on the floor, so it would not collapse under the weight of the kitchen. I’m sure Council members Eggman and Martin along with City Manager Gordon Palmer could give you a more detailed explanation.

However the real reason for failure of the Paragary's Bar & Grill is not some unified boycott by the citizens. The real reasons are high prices coupled with the downtown theater complex has become a haven for hundreds of out of control teenagers hanging out on Friday and Saturday nights. Often large scale gang fights have erupted directly out side of Paragary's. And why? Well because once again the Gordon Palmer financial management disaster robbed the funds from the police department preventing the hiring of extra officers to keep the little gangsters out of the area.

Now I don’t mind paying extra for a little serving of food once and a while, and I do like the upscale atmosphere Paragary's provides, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to drive my SL55 to downtown Stockton, and have it sit in front of the restaurant when there is a gang fight going on in the street, AGAIN. Then after our dinner we couldn’t even walk to the Starbucks for a cup of coffee due to the horde of pimple faced cussing teenagers clogging up the area and taking all the seats in Starbucks drinking free water.

Where have the police gone? Why are they not there? I’ll tell you why, GROSS MISMANAGEMENT by city staff.

Mayor get real, it is time to change out the coaches. Get rid of the incompetent city staff, or you can take responsibility for the years of robbing our tax dollars for failing capital ventures.

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