Monday, April 20, 2009

Workers Comp for All

Ok I volunteer to help my city, my community and my neighborhood. I will clean the streets, I will paint over the graffiti, and I will mow the grass in my park. Yes City of Stockton I will work for free…….. AND City of Stockton you will insure me, you will pay my medical bills, AND my lost wages, when I fall from the ladder as I trim YOUR tree, and when I cut my foot mowing YOUR grass. If you don’t pay up, as I’ve seen you do in the past, I will litigate you to no end, and as always you will have to pay huge OUTSIDE attorney fees to replace the incompetent ones you have……..of all the ridiculous ideas!

The law provides workers compensation coverage for any and all people volunteering to work for the city. Thats right, if you get hurt doing volunteer work for the City of Stockton, you will be covered by workers compensation.

Present volunteer opputunites with in the city are limited, and mostly involve peole who once worked or are trying to get a job with the city. These current volunteers have an interest in not abusing the sytem, as in they want to continue to associate with the organazation. But will the citizen who is helping to mow the grass in the parks, trim trees, paint grafetti have the same ethics.

Just in shere numbers alone the mayor is opening the city up to unmeasurable liabilities regarding personal injuries. hey if I were looking at getting laid off of my job, I'd get injured volunteering, and while I was off work anyway pursue compensation from a city who has a long history of giving "shut up money" to undeserving folks.

Another black eye in the propostions is, how in the heck does the city lay off workers and then hire free labor to work in the laid off workers position, with out following the city policy of re-hireing the laid off worker first?

And so what your telling me is that I should pay my taxes and then perform the work myself?

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